okay so looks like I'll have to post here MANUALLY for the time being because it seems like the modifications and ratings and tags and whatever I add using postybirb just... Aren't registered, despite the post going up???
It gets the name and description but that's literally it lmao the last 2 things I put up here I noticed they were rated E when I... Did NOT rate them as that when I filled out all of the different post sections in postybirb (amazing)
edit: i forgot it doesn't even get the name lmao it just goes up as "Untitled (number)"
As far as I can tell, some systems are being updated. As far as I know, PostyBirb is pretty popular, so the team behind it will probably(?) release an update in a timely fashion.
Also: If the program is free (I honestly don't know) consider donating to them. ;)